Skills Awareness Overview

Unlocking Skills Awareness

Once you've completed your Risk Assessment you'll unlock your Skills Awareness course. As with the Risk Assessment, your Skills Awareness course begins with an introduction tutorial so check that audio again or make sure you have a good read of the text.

The Skills Awareness course is made up of three sections (Visual Search, Hazard Perception and Risk Management) with the skills you learn in one being built on in the following sections. Within these three sections you'll be presented with four different styles of trials.

You don't have to do the whole Skills Awareness course in one sitting, you can stop after any question and return to carry on from where you left off. Once you've started a trial you need to just complete that one before finishing your session.


You'll always be told what is required from each stage. Before you start a new type of trial we'll show you a tutorial of how that type works and before you start each question/trial we'll tell you what type of trial it is (e.g., visual search, static hazard perception etc). Also, when the video is playing you'll have some reminder text on what's expected.

As you progress through the trials in each section we'll update your progress in a couple of places. The sections each have progress donuts showing how far through that section you are and there's a full course progress bar (green) running across the bottom of the window.

When you answer each trial we'll let you know how you did. Get it right and we'll show you what skills you've just used and you'll see your skill level improve. Get it wrong and we'll give you a hint about the trial that will help when you return later to retry it. If you want to watch the video again now you can, you won't be asked the questions again for the review though.

For some of the trials we'll check in with you to gauge your level of confidence. For these trials we'll ask how sure you are in the answer you've just given.

Progressing through the course

When you've finished a section you'll see the section overview where we'll give you an update on your progress and show you how you're progressing with your skills.

When you've finished the course fully you'll see the course completion screen with your results covering your overall score and your skills breakdown. You need to achieve the level of at least a 3 star driver to obtain your certificate. Your employer however, may require you to reach a higher rating. Regardless of your star rating you can return to the course and retry any trials that you failed previously. You can retry as many times as you like but once you reach 100% you're done.

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