Fleetcoach Administration Overview

Managing the Organisation

Administration of the Fleetcoach solution begins with the organisation dashboard. This dashboard provides key information at a glance in an easily accessible format. While providing access to the important high level information about an organisation’s users it is also the launch pad for all the administrative functionality.

Key numbers at a glance include the total active drivers for the organisation, numbers trained and invitations sent but not yet accepted.  From the dashboard the administrator can gain an overview of the performance of drivers within the organisation across both the Risk Assessment and the Skills Awareness courses.

Information for the status and ratings of each of the courses is graphed, allowing the administrator an easily accessible view of the current status and performance of its Fleetcoach users.
The dashboard also lists the administrators of the particular organisation and gives the organisation the ability to edit those users or modify their administrative privileges.

Managing Users and Groups

Adding users to Fleetcoach is as simple as entering their email address (or a bulk list of email addresses). Fleetcoach manages the email invitations and provides the new users with all the information they need to register and begin their training.

Users can be added at the organisation level or into specific groups (or subgroups) should the organisation prefer to group users under a specific hierarchy. The organisation and group hierarchy allows an organisation administrator to delegate the management of the top level groups to a group manager (or managers) to share the administrative role while maintaining organisational user access controls.

The administrator has full access to view the relevant status and account information for each user through the Manage Groups page. High level information such as a user’s registration date, when they last logged in and their account status is presented and easily sortable. More detailed information is available by drilling down into a user by viewing their user dashboard or editing their account information.

The administrator view of the user dashboard provides detailed information relating to the user’s training, covering their Risk Assessment rating, their Skills Awareness rating and a full Activity Transcript detailing the history of training. From this dashboard the administrator also has access to download the Risk Assessment report and Skills Awareness certificate for the user. 

Reporting on Driver Activity

While the organisation dashboard provides a high level overview report of the status and performance of an organisations users, the Driver Activity page provides for a more detailed breakdown of all users’ training activity and progress.

This activity report details the users’ status and ratings across both the Risk Assessment and Skills Awareness courses as well as further information on their Skills Awareness course including progress and the number of attempts completed. This information is presented alongside general user information such as email address, their overall Fleetcoach registration status and the assigned group. All information is sortable allowing for simple analysis within the Fleetcoach system. More detailed analysis of the driver activity can be achieved via exporting the data either as the Training Results or the more detailed Training Activity. These exports are specifically designed to allow for further analysis in Microsoft Excel or similar application.

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